Dr Lackram Bodoe speaks on childhood diabetes in T&T

There is evidence of increasing numbers as it relates to childhood diabetes in T&T, according to MP Dr Lackram Bodoe.

Dr Bodoe spoke with 103.1FM News today, World Diabetes Day which has the theme “Access to Diabetes Care” for 2023.

He clarified that when talking about childhood diabetes, he is speaking to diabetes in children related to lifestyle, such as increased intake of sugary drinks and food.

Dr Bodoe said there is need for more education from the primary school level, creating more opportunities for exercise at schools and other forms of intervention.

Dr Bodoe added that there are people outside of government that also have an important role to play in curb childhood diabetes.

More broadly, Dr Bodoe noted that recommendations related to NDCs like diabetes were given in the Seemungal Report on COVID-19.

Dr Lackram Bodoe has been a medical practitioner for over three decades, and a former Chairman of the SWRHA.
