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Climate realities not fantasies needed

The weather cannot be controlled, we must adapt and not consider ridiculous ideas such as ending fossil fuel use, switching to EVs and population control. Science is nonsense without common sense.

There was never a time when the earth’s axis or shape changed. The ice caps are growing hence when it reaches zones where the temperature drops, because it obviously gets a touch warmer it will crack – duh! In earth’s 4.5 billion years, we only started using fossil fuels in the last 200 years.

Before that, we cut down trees (renewable energy) for charcoal, killed whales for oil and rode horses and donkey carts. I suggest climate freaks who want to go Tobago, to borrow a canoe from the Amerindians and travel as they please. If you have an issue with coal for electricity, tell it to China, Russia and North Korea.

The way to save the planet is by recycling, biodegradability, eliminating deforestation and reducing pollution.

Those who preach the climate hysteria have no clue of the chaos that would unfold if we stopped using fossil fuels to generate electricity, to keep food in constant production and getting from point A to point B.

Nuclear energy is a shout for electricity generation, though it is more expensive for most countries. Hence among all forms of energy, fossil fuels are the cheapest, the most abundant and gets the job done.

Renewable is there to supplement, not replace. Oh, if you think population control is a way of reducing carbon emissions, then tell the government to start giving out free contraception not to stop drilling for oil and gas.


