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Charge parents over children’s bullying

Bullying has been happening for a very long time in our schools and nothing has been done to stop it. Since a child died by suicide, everybody is voicing their opinions.

What a shame-this should have been dealt with years ago, because it has been going on for years in schools.

Once, I had to play police for some schoolchildren and show them the time of day. Parents have their part to play, and the teachers also have their part to play.

Bullying should be reported immediately to teachers and to the principal; and the parents of the bully should be contacted immediately. Also, the police should get involved in that bullying situation.

The teachers cannot teach and be parents at the same timeparents should be held accountable for their children’s behaviour.

A few months ago a schoolgirl called her mother on the phone, complaining about her teacher, and the expletives coming out of her mouth were shameful and disgusting. And she said the dirty words in front of her class-and they were all laughing, and the teacher just sat down like she was afraid, and the mother on the other side (of the phone) was encouraging her daughter. That is the reason for parents to be held accountable for their children.

A couple months ago, a teacher in Tobago walked off his job from a school because of the children’s behaviour.

It is time to take drastic measures against school bullying. Pay attention to the homes of these children-what are they seeing at home? A child is not born a bully.

When parents go to school to cause conflict in front of children and teachers, such parents should be locked up because they have not shown any example or respect to their children.

It’s time to charge the parents for their children’s behaviour. It might be harsh, but some sort of discipline must be implemented to stop this before it is too late. Stop the talk. It is time for action.

Some time last year in America, two parents were sentenced for their children’s behaviour. That law was passed in certain states in America-to charge parents for their children and lock up the children.

Children need to have some kind of spiritual values. Teach them about God. Pray with them.

Years ago, police officers used to go to schools and lecture to schoolchildren; maybe they need to do that in schools again.

Something must be done now to curb school violence.

Modicia Martin
