Beauty pageants breeding ground for gossip

As a young man, I believe all women are beautiful and unique in their own way, and there shouldn’t be a competition to see who is more beautiful. After all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I feel sorry for Venezuelan Mileidy Materano. I think the real reason she stepped down as Miss Grand International TT is because of the backlash, abuse and bullying she received.

Aubrey David, our national football team captain, is Guyanese by birth, but moved to Trinidad, naturalised, and is one of the best footballers representing the red, white and black. Why not attack him?

There is a deeper problem here that has shown itself, and it’s not xenophobia. It is the envy and jealousy of the “red girl.” This is because she isn’t the majority melanin girl representing TT. And notice that it is mainly TT women fighting her down. It’s just a competition people, so take a chill pill.

There is always some beauty pageant going on somewhere, and always some confusion to go with it. Besides, it has become a platform of controversy when political and social issues are brought up that are best dealt with outside of the spotlight. It could be having on make-up or not, the clothes worn, body shape and size, you name it.

I get it, it’s about being the best version of herself. However, women should focus on improving themselves, not competing against each other. So much for women empowerment!

Beauty pageants are a breeding ground for gossip, drama and misogyny, and the culprits behind it are other women.


