Action vital to stop students joining gangs

The current state of student violence in TT is alarming, with rising incidents including stabbings, signalling a severe lapse in control and discipline within schools.

If immediate and effective measures are not taken to curb this trend, these young individuals may inevitably find themselves drawn into gang activities. This progression from school violence to organised crime will undoubtedly exacerbate the already critical crime situation in the country.

Unaddressed violence in schools cultivates an environment of fear and instability, compromising not only the safety of students, but also their academic and social development. This environment becomes a breeding ground for future criminals as students exposed to violence may adopt such behaviours as normalised responses to conflict.

The transition from school-based violence to street-level crime is a short and dangerous path, leading to an increase in overall crime rates and murders nationwide.

Interventions must focus on strengthening school security, implementing conflict resolution programmes, and providing mental health support to at-risk students. Additionally, fostering partnerships between schools, parents and law enforcement agencies can help create a unified front against school violence.

Proactive measures taken within the educational system can prevent the escalation of violence and its spillover into society, thereby helping to secure a safer future for the nation.

Immediate action is essential to restore order and protect the next generation from the perils of gang affiliation and criminal activities.

