1st International Day of Potato to be commemorated on Thursday

Tomorrow, May 30th 2024,  the United Nations will mark the first ever International Day of Potato.

In December last year, the UN General Assembly decided to designate the day to raise awareness of the multiple nutritional, economic, environmental and cultural values of the potato.

Originating in the South American Andes region between 7,000 and 10,000 years ago, the potato eventually made its way to Europe in the 16th century.

Since then, it has spread around the world.

According to the UN, potatoes are an important component of strategies to provide accessible and nutritious food and improved livelihoods.

It is able to grow in a variety of conditions and also climate friendly in that it produces low levels of greenhouse gas emissions in comparison to other crops.

In the past decade, the global production of potatoes has increased by 10%, leading to growth in employment and income.

The UN however says more work still needs to be done to harness the full potential of the crop in the quest to end hunger and malnutrition globally.
