On Friday 29th December 2023, Rita Smyke celebrated her 110th birthday.
According to the Social Development Ministry, this makes her the oldest registered individual in its National Centenarian Programme and quite possibly, the oldest person in Trinidad and Tobago.
Today, Ms. Smyke received a surprise visit from Social Development Minister Donna Cox, who expressed deep admiration for her exceptional journey.
Ms. Smyke was also recognized as a living link to history: she is the oldest descendant of the Merikins – African American marines who fought during the war in 1812.
According to relatives, the Princes Town native is also the oldest member of the Seven-Day Adventist faith.
Ms Smyke is a mother of five, grandmother of 23, great-grandmother of 16 and great-great-grandmother of six.
When asked about reaching the remarkable milestone Ms Smyke credited good food as a secret to her longevity.
Minister Cox presented the supercentenarian with a Certificate of Honour and Achievement, a Centenarian Medal, a hamper from NAMDEVCO, a Kiss birthday cake, and a new wheelchair.