10-year-old Emma seeks official UN day for Indentured workers

A 10-year-old student of the Montrose Government Primary School is hoping for the designation of a day to acknowledge and mark the impact of Indentureship.

Emma Teelucksingh has proposed the observance of International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Indentureship on May 29th.

She told 103.1FM News that she was first inspired while researching a school project.

Emma’s mission is being helped by her father, Senior Lecturer in UWI’s Department of History, Dr Jerome Teelucksingh.

He said while the UN calendar contains several days to remember the victims of tragedies and genocides, there is nothing to for the victims of Indentureship.

While Indentureship is traditionally associated with Indians, it included Chinese, Syrians and Portuguese workers, who also faced racism, religious discrimination, physical abuse and exploitation.

As for the suggested day – May 29th – it’s Emma’s birthday (she turned 10 this year).

The month of May is also commemorated as Indian Heritage month, while May 29th is close to the anniversary for the arrival of the 1st Indentured servants in Trinidad.
