Calling on the Govt to recognise Palestine

THE state of Palestine was accepted as an observer state of the United Nations General Assembly in November 2012. As of June 2, 2023, 139 of the 193 United Nations (UN) member states have recognised the state of Palestine.

In December 2017, Foreign Affairs Minister Dennis Moses said, ‘Trinidad and Tobago’s policy has always been to support the two states policy which means steadfast recognition of the state of Israel with secure territorial borders as well as the establishment of a Palestinian state.’

We respectfully call on the Government of Trinidad and Tobago to take a position-to recognise the state of Palestine which has been under brutal occupation for 75 years (as acknowledged by the UN). The Palestinians, like every other people, should be afforded some dignity and a right to exist.

The Department of Public Information of Guyana sent out a press statement on February 1, 2024, stating: ‘The Government of Guyana has pledged USD$150,000 towards the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), in support of Palestinians displaced and affected by the ongoing conflict in Gaza. UNRWA is the primary humanitarian agency in Gaza, with over two million people depending on it for their daily survival.

‘As an elected member of the United Nations Security Council, Guyana supports a ceasefire to facilitate humanitarian aid into Gaza. Over the years, Guyana has made several financial contributions to UNRWA, in alignment with our consistent support for and solidarity with the Palestinian people in their quest for freedom and a secure homeland.’

This is very commendable by the Guyana government and we ask that the Government of T&T follow suit.

Recommendations to

the Government: • put out a press statement condemning the slaughter of civilians and expressing solidarity with the Palestinian people in their quest for freedom from occupation; • contribute financially to UNRWA in order to address dire humanitarian catastrophe; • call for a permanent ceasefire of the bombardment of innocent civilians in Gaza; • recognise the state of Palestine. The people of north Gaza have now resorted to eating grass. (CNN, Jan 30, 2024.)

The UN warned that Gaza is spiralling into a full-scale famine-2.2 million Palestinians are starving. Two million are at risk of dying of hunger or preventable infectious diseases.

No water, no food, no medicine, no fuel. Sewage is all around because there’s no fuel to operate a sewage plant.

Approximately 700,000 persons are infected from drinking contaminated water. They suffer from acute respiratory infections, including Covid-19, influenza, increases in other conditions such as scabies, lice, chickenpox, skin rashes and hepatitis.

Amputations and C-sections are being done without anaesthetic. Unimaginable.

If you went to one funeral every day for the 27,000 people slaughtered in Gaza thus far… it would take you 73 years to attend all the funerals of Gazans killed since October 7, 2023.

‘More than 800 serving officials in the US and Europe have signed a statement warning that their own governments’ policies on the Israel-Gaza war could amount to ‘grave violations of international law’.’

(BBC, February 2.)

We still have ‘humanity’ and ‘compassion’ in our twin-island republic, so we call on our Government to act swiftly on our humble recommendations and do the noble and moral thing.

Mirza Ali-Mohammed president Islamic Da’wah Movement
