Tassa missing from events

I am concerned about the lack of tassa at many Carnival events. If we do have tassa at our main Carnival events, then I ask to be excused for my lamentation.

I recall reading an article where a call was made for tassa to be a part of the Tobago celebrations last year. I was looking for an update on the matter but did not see any.

I know we have a national tassarama competition but as a citizen I am concerned that I am not seeing enough tassa at Carnival events and I am also not seeing enough iron and brass or rhythm sections.

Tassa groups and rhythm sections should be part and parcel of all of our cultural events, even at Christmas. We can have some tassa as well as iron and brass added to our beautiful parang music.

Yes, there is a time and place for everything but I just feel that not enough is being done about the inclusion of tassa at our Carnival events, especially those under the NCC.


Port of Spain
