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MP accuses Gov’t of inaction in the face of crime

Government is again being accused of inaction in the face of crime.

This time, the criticism comes from Oropouche West MP Dave Tancoo, following BPTT’s recent decision to halt to its plans for partnering with the NCC to establish a pan related space.

BPTT reportedly citied security concerns, including “an uptick in gun-related incidents in Port of Spain and environs which has resulted in the death of a number of persons.”

Mr Tancoo says, “While the Prime Minister and his Cabinet continue to focus on their pipedream of new energy acquisitions, Dr. Rowley has clearly abandoned seeking the interest of long-standing major investors such as BPTT, who share the Opposition’s concerns over the current state of crime and criminality affecting the citizens of Trinidad & Tobago.”

He also again took aim at the Government for failing to participate in talks with the Opposition and other stakeholders.
