Family life key to Trinidad and Tobago’s development

Our leaders need to realise that family life is the key to the development of our nation. In recognition of such, it is important to raise our children to serve God since that is the only way we as a people can move forward.

Additionally, it is also imperative to plant seeds of integrity, love, honesty in the family system, which essentially will positively affect personal development of the youth.

We see our young people dying because of the wickedness and greed of man in all walks of life. Many seek the love of money as their god. Some of whom have been elevated to positions of power, authority and wealth, and because of demonic possessions they have yielded themselves to demonic systems that this world continues to thrive on.

This country has faced a pandemic of crime where people are willing to murder their own family and friend for the love of money.

In retrospect, many families have a member that is considered to be a “black sheep” within the family circle. But knowledge and love for God allows us to speak and encourage them to overcome their challenges and walk the path of success.

One decision of a family member can cause lives of many to be lost due to bad lifestyles. In comparison, every government decision that is made, whether good or bad, has consequences that affect the myopic circles within the society, one of which we focus on – the family.

The leaders of our beloved TT have sold the soul of our country for money. They have coveted what does not belong to them and have placed their country in a dark and secluded place where churches, schools and other institutions are unable to see what lies before them.

What is the solution? Our organisation is requesting a focus change where we can return to the days where our children understood the importance of respect, discipline and authority.

Extreme anger continues to shape our society, causing violence and lastly death. Seemingly, our leaders have given up on the quest to fight crime and I believe we are fighting a losing battle if we think that adequate body cams and guns can slow or stop crime.

It is a lose/lose situation because the youth who Dr Eric Williams had prided to take our country into the future are dying. The law enforcement agencies that as a people we have learnt to trust over the years are not that trustworthy any more.



Youth Empowerment

