Temporary shutdown of Desal Plant for maintenance works

From Monday, Desalcott’s Point Lisas Desalination Plant will be temporarily shut down to facilitate maintenance works.

According to WASA, the Plant will be out of service for nine days, from Monday 16th October, to Tuesday 24th October 2023.

The plant provides 40 million gallons of water daily to WASA, which is used to supply the Point Lisas Industrial Estate and augment the supply to areas in Central and South West Trinidad.

WASA says the planned shutdown will significantly impact its overall supply position in Trinidad.

To mitigate the effects of this supply shortfall, it says the following will be implemented:

  • Re-distribution of supply from the Caroni and Navet Water Treatment Plants
  • Implementation of temporary supply schedules (This will be published on its social media pages.
  • Ensure capacity storage at critical service reservoirs
  • Increased water trucking capacity
  • Special emphasis and arrangements to supply schools, health institutions, homes for aged and other special needs organisations
  • Accelerated response to leak repair

Persons are also being urged to maintain/establish a system of storage over the period of the shutdown and to manage their water use efficiently, by reducing consumption through the observation of water conservation practices.
