Minister assures of road rehabilitation in Trinidad

The Minister of Works and Transport says there are plans to fix the country’s road network by rehabilitating every road in Trinidad.

Speaking in Couva on Saturday during works to rehabilitate Camden Road, he said they are working with the Ministry of Local Government to address all the roads on a phased basis.

He said work on Camden Road included strengthening it to handle heavier vehicles and reestablishing the drains.

Mr. Sinanan said there are plans to eventually rebuild the road from scratch and install concrete drains, but it will cost a lot of money.

He claims that a lot of work was taking place in south and central Trinidad but “all cannot be done at the same time.”

And the Minister added that milled and scraped materials from the roads will be used as the base course for new roads, reducing the amount of new materials required by 40 per cent.

The paving of Camden Road is expected to be completed by Wednesday.
