WASA condemns contractor’s discharge into the Guanapo River

WASA has condemned the irresponsible actions of a quarrying contractor, who has been discharging eKluent directly into drains that flow into the Guanapo River.

It says the discharge has resulted in the watercourse turning brown, posing a significant threat to water production and the operations of the Caroni Water Treatment Plant.

The immediate result, it adds, is a decrease in water availability, as the current conditions require the Authority purify and sanitize more to get less.

It assures however that the supply leaving the Caroni WTP continues to meet the highest standards of quality and safety.

WASA adds that it is working closely with the relevant regulatory agencies, including the EMA, to investigate the matter and take all the necessary actions to bring an end to this harmful activity.

It laments however that this is not an isolated incident.

In 2021, a similar event occurred, which forced a disruption in production at the Caroni WTP and causing undue inconvenience to thousands of persons served by the facility.
