Much more needed to make T&T better

Are the two major political parties still pertinent to our development?

The August 14 local general election will come and go, and we will still have to deal with the facts that confront us daily. Like the fact that over the last two months I contacted WASA about a leak at 3 Hyderabad Street, St James, that pours daily into the street, but no response despite acknowledging that they are aware of the leak. Facts like the very anti-business regulations that now make it extremely difficult for companies to file their annual returns.

Facts like the very punitive point system for drivers that does not allow for points to be reduced via safe driving classes or similar programmes that offer relief in the developed world. Facts like having to fill out a very long immigration and customs form on entry to Trinidad when the developed world is using electronic methods.

Facts like a prime minister having the election date in his or her pocket instead of a fixed date. Facts like local government being controlled by the central government. Facts like years to access justice, unstructured or no police patrols in our communities, and laws that seem to support the criminal rather than the victims.

There is a lot that is good about Trinidad and Tobago, but so much more is needed to make our country better. That requires modern approaches to business, improving our infrastructure to international standards, swift and fair justice, care for the youth and elderly, and respect and honour in our houses of Parliament.

If one were to be dispassionate about our future, one would have to ask whether the present major political parties can take Trinidad and Tobago to the next level-a level of equality, prosperity, safety, educational upgrade, food security, intelligent discussion on the issues that confront us, and unity.

Perhaps the upcoming political campaign is an appropriate indication of the quality of our politics and the levels of our progress. It is a good time to mark and observe.

Steve Alvarez
