Mark on Coat of Arms redesign: “Get it right”

Government is being urged to get citizens involved in redesigning the Coat of Arms and “get it right.”

This comes from Opposition Senator Wade Mark who was speaking in the Senate debate on the bill to replace Christopher Columbus’ ships with a gold steelpan and pan sticks.

He said the Coat of Arms belongs to all citizens and some people have expressed dissatisfaction with the current redesign.

Mr Mark insisted that government must get the redesign right and get citizens involved in the process.

Tourism Minister Randall Mitchell said placing the steelpan on the Coat of Arms is a powerful way to honour T&T’s identity and history.

The National Emblems of T&T (Regulation) (Amendment) Bill 2025 was passed in the Senate and will now go for proclamation by the President to become law.

It was passed in the House of Representatives on January 13th, 2025. 
