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PCA issues recommendations for police handling of domestic violence reports

The Police Complaints Authority has issued a series of recommendations regarding police handling of domestic violence cases.

This includes cases in which officers are alleged to be the abuser.

In its Domestic Violence Report 2024, the PCA detailed cases in which police failed to treat with or properly investigate complaints.

In some instances, the person reporting the abuse ended up being killed.

Its list of recommendations to the Police Commissioner’s Office include: Domestic Violence reports being correctly recorded and investigations given a high level of priority, ensuring officers are appropriately trained to treat with domestic violence reports, and that consideration be given to investigating all Domestic Violence reports regardless of whether the victim wishes to pursue further police action.

With regard to officers accused of domestic violence, the PCA recommends relieving these officers of their firearms.

In the report, the PCA details its ongoing tripartite series called “Bits of Paper- From Failure to Function” which was launched in September, 2019.

It focuses on the PCA’s active oversight role of the conduct and functions of TTPS officers in policing reports of Domestic Violence, and included three outreach sessions designed to invite public consultation on the functions of the PCA as they relate to the referrals and recommendations made in this area.

The Authority says the TTPS’ Gender Based Violence Unit was one of the stakeholder groups targeted for engagement.

It adds however that while it dispatched formal correspondence to the Senior Superintendent of the Gender Based Violence Unit requesting meetings, it has received no response.
