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Food Security and Food Prices Committee receive Letters of Appointment

Letters of Appointment have been presented to the 14 members of the Food Security and Food Prices Committee.

The Agriculture Ministry says the establishment of the Cabinet-appointed Committee is a significant move towards addressing the issue of rising food prices.

It will be chaired by Nirmalla Debysingh, C.E.O. of the National Agricultural Marketing and Development Corporation (NAMDEVCO).

Members include representatives from several Ministries and experts fields of agriculture, economics, nutrition, trade and consumer advocacy.

In presenting the letters of appointment, Agriculture Minister Kazim Hosein indicated that “The challenges before us are daunting. Food inflation, exacerbated by global disruptions such as supply chain interruptions and geopolitical conflicts, has severely impacted our food security. Our reliance on imported food items, which costs us over TT$5 billion annually, further complicates this issue. This is compounded by rising global food prices and adverse weather conditions affecting agricultural productivity. The Food Prices Committee is not merely a response to these challenges but a strategic initiative to seek sustainable solutions.”



  • Ms. Nirmalla Debysingh – Chief Executive Officer, NAMDEVCO

Vice Chairperson:

  • Mr. Nigel Grimes – Technical Advisor
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries


  • Ms. Ava Mahabir-Dass – Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Trade and Industry
  • Mr. Andy Mendez – Supervisor (Ag.), Customs and Excise Division, Ministry of Finance
  • Mr. Hayden Hurdle – Accountant, Port Authority of Trinidad and Tobago
  • Dr. Keisha Roberts – University of Trinidad and Tobago
  • Dr. Sharon D. Hutchinson – Faculty of Agriculture, University of the West Indies
  • Mr. Rajiv Diptee – Past President, Supermarket Association of Trinidad and Tobago
  • Mr. Vernon Persad – Supermarket Association of Trinidad and Tobago
  • Mr. Roger Roach – President, Trinidad and Tobago Manufacturers’ Association
  • Mr. Kavi Panday – Chief Executive Officer, Massy Stores (Trinidad)
  • Ms. Siti Jones-Gordon – Head of Corporate Affairs, Nestle Trinidad and Tobago
  • Mr. Alpha Sennon –  Agricultural Entrepreneur
  • Mr. Maxslon Roberts – Agricultural Entrepreneur (Tobago)
