SVG PM announces Cabinet reshuffle

St Vincent and the Grenadines Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves has announced a Cabinet reshuffle.

According to a report by One News SVG, the reshuffle affects three ministers:

  • Former Minister of the Public Service, Frederick Stephenson has been appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs.
  • He replaces Keisal Peters who will now take over as Minister of National Mobilisation and Social Development.
  • The Ministry of National Mobilization itself has been split, having been the Ministry of National Mobilization, Social Development, Family, Gender Affairs, Youth, Housing and Informal Human Settlement.
  • That Ministry’s previous Minister, Orando Brewster, will take over the portfolio for Housing and Informal Human Settlement, in addition to responsibility for Youth and Sports.

The reshuffle was announced today during a ceremony at the Argyle International Airport, where heads of government of the Organisation of the Eastern Caribbean States were in attendance.

The heads are due to visit the hurricane-ravaged parts of the country.
