Learn to find common ground

‘COMING TOGETHER is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.’ -Henry Ford ‘We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.’ -Martin Luther King, Jnr Our political arena continues to grow, with several new parties and leaders over the years, each with their own vision and mandate. This is democracy in action; the forum is open to anyone who is willing and wants to make a difference.

Despite this and with all the ideas, intelligence and great promises, if, as a people, we cannot come together in times of crisis and need, we will continue to have very limited good results.

For some unknown reason, if I were asked the question why, I would say it is because many of our leaders have their personal dreams and aspirations before the country and the people (my opinion).

Hence the reason why when many politicians get voted into office. They become absent from action when it comes to visiting their constituents.

My big concern with those political parties that have surfaced over the years is: are we going to see even more division amongst us?

One of the reasons why our twin islands continue to go downhill is because our two major parties simply cannot sit down together and agree on serious matters affecting the nation and its people.

Meanwhile, those on the outside continue to pay the price because of this. They spend more time fighting each other on all forums, with the public as the audience.

Failure to unite and work with each other continues to destroy us as a country. There are more arguments, wars, insults and sarcasm in our Parliament than effective dialogue to make T&T a better place for all.

Our leaders need to put aside the hate, bitterness, anger and malice towards each other and focus on the issues we are facing.

We have a leadership problem right now. Many of our leaders have lost objectivity and the purpose for which they were placed in office, all to the detriment of the common people.

While we will never agree on everything, we must learn to find common ground on serious matters affecting us all. This, to me, is maturity and should be seen in any country wishing to progress. Let us do it together, making T&T a better place for all.

Arnold Gopeesingh San Juan
